Why do we always kill the messenger?
Through out history there have been many messengers of peace and they often end up being killed. Some of these messengers throughout history who were killed were:
Martin Luther King
Robert Kennedy
John Lennon
and many more. I goggled it today and found a site which lists over 40 peacemakers assassinated dating back from 415AD to 2009. You can see the list at Olive Tree.
More and more, we are a culture that has lost our moral compass.
Gandhi once said that the Seven Deadly Social Sins of this world are:
Politics without principles,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Pleasure without character,
Science without humanity,
and Worship without sacrifice.
So many people have become utterly complacent and numb to the world's tragedies that it seems almost impossible to overturn this wave of utter negligence.
What if there was a simple action you could commit to that would help change humanity?
With so much propaganda, movies, shows, and even school recruiters enlisting the attention of many young children and adults into the fear based system of our world, who is going to promote unity and peace? Who is going to offer an alternative to violence and separation for the youth?
Would you pledge to become a Warrior of Peace? Would you spend a little of your time each day sending out messages of non-violent communication and cooperation? Would you go to your local school and promote integration and diversity instead of separation and bullying
Visit I Declare World Peace. Become a peace advocate in your community. Check out the work that schools across the nation are participating in to stop the bullying by Teaching Tolerance; Mix it Up.
They may have killed many of the messengers, but they can never kill the message. Make your pledges today and become the change that you want to see in the world.
Earth College Indigo Action Lyra's Prisms Luv 'n' Sweets
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